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Power Sentry, by Raptor Lift Solutions based in Houston (USA), through focused research and development provides supercapacitor-based power management solutions to the global oil industry. Power Sentry products significantly increase electrical power savings via advanced AC VFD management on pump jacks and rod lift systems. In addition, they result in operational savings on ESP VFDs via DC bus voltage management which, during power interruptions, prevents VFD tripping and subsequent loss of production.

Harmonic Solutions Oil & Gas (HSOG), a division of Sentinel Power Quality FZE, are the exclusive representatives in the in countries shown in the map below and offer full sales and technical support of the Power Sentry products :

The inclusion of Power Sentry to the existing products and services is significant step as HSOG can now offer a complete range of the mitigation products, continuous PQ monitoring and advanced site PQ services to oilfield clients.

Power Sentry products :                     

OSS (On-Site-Storage)

Power Sentry’s OSS system utilises capacitor based on-site storage technology to capture and reuse the regenerative energy of artificial lift systems to reduce the kWh usage and peak demand.  The power generation requirements from utilities can be subsequently be reduced by up to 20% at the well site through the operation of OSS.

Power Sentry OSS systems carrying out power management

OSS systems capture the regenerative energy created and unused during pump strokes, temporarily stores it as DC power in the OSS and recycles the energy back through the VFD to the pump motor.

1.With OSS there is less than 5% powerline losses compared to typical line loss of 75% to 95% for AC regenerative or chopper systems.

2.OSS does not require additional loads on the same grid to reuse the harnessed energy.

OSS system prior to installation on site
Power Sentry OSS systems awaiting shipping

OSS Brochure  click here.

OSS Case Studies

Case Study 1 – OSS Bakken Study

Case Study 2 – OSS Solar Jack Assessment Study

OSS Videos

Power Sentry OSS System

Power Sentry OSS on a Multi Well Pad

ERT (Electrical-Ride-Through)

Power Sentry has also developed a solution that provides supplementary power to variable frequency drives (“VFDs”) during power disturbances and  short-term interruptions; sags, brown outs, reclosure events etc. Their patented Electrical Ride-Through (ERT) technology allows ESPs, drilling equipment and other oil-based operations to avoid the negative impact of power fluctuations on systems utilising VFDs.

The Power Sentry ERT system is an industry leader when weighed against the competition. Their systems’ superior performance will maintain a VFD’s operation where other competitors fail.


ERT Brochure click here. 

ERT Case Studies

Case Study – Electrical-Ride-Through ERT400

Three ERT systems awaiting shipping
Power Sentry ERT protecting 6 pulse ESP VFD

ERT Videos

Power Sentry’s ERT System

ERT Supports VSD in Montana

ERT Supports VSD in Texas

Example of US ERT Model & Capability Matrix (for 480V) 
Power Sentry ERT field trial with 12 pulse ESP VFD

For more information on Power Sentry OSS and ERT please contact HSOG here.


For information on Harmonic Solutions Oil & Gas additional range of oilfield products and services please click on the appropriate link below :

Passive ESP VFD output filters

MOSAF Oilfield Active Filter

MOSAF Active Filters

Continuous oilfield power & PQ monitoring

Offshore & Oilfield PQ Services

TVSS – Sinetamer

ESP High Frequency Output Transformers